We Do It ALL

Medicare and Plan F – What You Need to Know

What is going on with Medicare Plan F? Where Medigap coverage is concerned, provisions of the 2015 Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act, or MACRA, have raised a number of questions. Much uncertainty now revolves around the future of the popular Medigap Plan F. Will seniors lose this valued coverage? […]

What Is Gap Insurance and Do I Need It?

How much do you still owe on your car? If you’re like most people, the figure might amount to a lot more than your vehicle is worth. While that fact might bother you on an intellectual level, it’s nothing compared to the pain you’ll feel if your car ever winds […]

Insuring Your Classic Vehicle

If you’re like most classic car buffs, the vehicles you so carefully maintain and display can seem like second children for whose care no expense can be too great. In providing them with the greatest amount of protection, however, does your concern extend to the quality of their auto insurance […]

How do I know if My Prescription Drugs are Covered by My Health Insurance?

When your very well-being hinges upon the availability of one or more prescription drugs, you need to know whether the health insurance plan to which you are drawn is willing to cover their cost. While you always have the right to purchase your medication out of pocket, many of the […]

Do I Need Collision and Comprehensive Insurance?

Whether it’s navigating the highways or sitting in what you believe to be a safe and secure garage, the dangers that your car will face are hard to quantify and harder to predict. When a car accident forces you to repair or replace your vehicle, comprehensive and collision insurance coverage […]