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Health & Medicare

Las Vegas Health Insurance & Medicare

At All Kinds of Insurance, we make it easy to obtain the type of health insurance you need. Our familiarity with all carriers and their various plans allows us to not only seek out the policy that suits you best but also explain to you exactly how it works. The overview that follows will show you what types of insurance are available.

Individual Health Insurance

Anyone interested in individual health insurance can choose from several different types of policies. The most common of these are:

  • Health maintenance organizations (HMO). Those who don’t mind limiting their options may find the HMO an affordable alternative. These plans do hinder your choices, and some will assign participating doctors. You must get a referral from your primary care doctor in order to see a specialist.
  • Preferred provider organizations (PPO). With a PPO you have a much larger network of doctors to choose from and with some plans nationwide coverage. You do not need to pick a primary care doctor nor do you need a referral to see a specialist.

The final decision comes down to the options that you and your family believe to be most important.

Subsidized Health Insurance

According to the dictates of the Affordable Care Act, almost everyone should now carry health insurance. Anyone who doesn’t already have coverage through Medicare, Medicaid or an employer-provided insurer must either buy health insurance on their own or pay a penalty of 2 1/2% of your yearly household income or $695 per person whichever is greater, effective 2016.

Although this may pose a financial burden to some, many may be glad to learn of eligibility for monetary assistance in the form of two types of subsidies. These currently exist in one of the two following forms:

  • An advanced premium tax credit (APTC) to lower your monthly premium.
  • A cost-sharing reduction (CSR) that decreases your out-of-pocket health care expenses during the policy period.

If you think you might be eligible, you can request these subsidies when making your health care application.

Group Health insurance for Your Business

If your company consists of at least two employees, owners, partners or officers, you may be eligible for a small-business health insurance plan. Your employees are sure to appreciate the value of this benefit, but putting it into place is different from buying health insurance for yourself.

The main distinction has to do with the number of people the policy covers. Whereas individual coverage indemnifies just one person or family, business group medical insurance covers a number of employees and potentially their dependents under a single policy. The premium price reflects a balance of risk factors across the entire group. To be eligible for business group health insurance, you must provide documentation to prove that your company is legitimate.

The Affordable Care Act has engendered substantial changes in the rules that businesses must follow when purchasing such insurance. While companies having more than 50 full-time or employees or the equivalent will now face penalties for failing to provide the coverage, smaller companies will not. Nevertheless, regardless of size, the company that offers group health coverage to any of its full-time workers must offer it to all of them, and the same holds true for part-time employees as well.


Available to those over 65 as well as to younger people who suffer a disability, the many forms of Medicare have distinct differences. While Medicare Part A carries no premium for people who have paid into Social Security for at least 10 years, Parts B, C and D do involve some out-of-pocket cost to the person who chooses to use them. Our professionals will be glad to help you navigate the sometimes-muddy waters of Medicare and its various permutations.

Get Your Quote Today

The professionals at All Kinds of Insurance simplify the process of buying health insurance. Speak directly with a representative by calling 702-534-4697. Whichever way you choose to do it, All Kinds of Insurance will always be here to help.